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Advantages Of Studying In An International School

Apr 11, 2023
Schools, Learning

International schools In India provide a unique educational experience for students from all over the world. They offer a variety of courses and activities that are designed to help students develop their skills and knowledge in an international environment. Through the use of advanced technology, international schools are able to provide students with an education that is both stimulating and challenging. With their global outlook, international schools in Ahmedabad strive to provide a safe and secure learning environment that fosters creativity and collaboration. International schools also promote cultural exchange by offering students the opportunity to learn about different cultures and societies while they study abroad. With these exciting opportunities, international schools in India, especially Ahmedabad are becoming increasingly popular as more families look for ways to give their children a truly global education.

What Is ‘international Education’?

International education refers to the educational programmes that are designed to prepare students for a globalised world, emphasising cross-cultural understanding and the development of international perspectives. It involves learning about different cultures, languages, and customs, as well as exploring global issues and perspectives. International education can take many forms, including international schools, exchange programmes, and study abroad opportunities. International education studies provide students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become global citizens who can work collaboratively and effectively across borders and cultures.

One of the main reasons why there is a growing demand for international education and an increasing number of international schools is the rise of globalisation. As the world becomes more interconnected and interdependent, there is a greater need for individuals who can navigate and succeed in an increasingly complex and diverse global landscape. International education provides school students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and perspectives, which can help them to develop important skills such as critical thinking, communication, and adaptability. Also, another benefit of international studies is that it offers a high-quality education that is recognized globally, which can give students a competitive advantage in the job market and higher education.

Advantages Of Studying In An International School 

International schools offer a unique opportunity for students to gain an education that is both global and local in its approach. With a diverse student body and faculty, these schools provide students with a range of experiences that can help them develop the skills they need to succeed in a globalised world.

Now let’s dive deep into the advantages of studying in an international school

1. Exposure to diverse cultures and perspectives

International schools typically have a student body made up of students from all over the world, which means that students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, customs, and ways of thinking. This exposure to diverse perspectives can broaden students' horizons and help them to become more tolerant and accepting of others.

2. Enhanced language skills

In an international school, students are often required to learn at least one foreign language. This can help students to become more proficient in other languages, which can be useful in both their personal and professional lives.

3. High-quality education

International schools often offer a rigorous and challenging curriculum such as Cambridge and International baccalaureate (IB) that is recognized globally. This can give students a competitive edge when applying to colleges and universities, as well as when entering the job market.

4. International recognition

The diplomas and degrees earned at international schools are recognized by universities and employers all over the world. Hence, studying in an international school provides students with a credential that is globally recognized and respected, giving them a competitive advantage in the increasingly globalised job market and in pursuing higher education opportunities around the world.

5. Preparation for a globalised world

With the rise of globalisation, it is becoming increasingly important for individuals to be able to work and communicate effectively across borders and cultures. International schools can help students to develop the skills they need to succeed in a globalised world.

6. Small class sizes

International schools typically have smaller class sizes than public schools, which can lead to more individualised attention from teachers and a better learning experience for students.

7. Technological proficiency

International schools often make use of the latest technology in their classrooms, which can help students to become more proficient in using technology for learning and communication.

8. Extracurricular activities

International schools often offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, from sports to music to drama. This can help students to develop their interests and talents, as well as to make friends and build a sense of community.

9. Professional development opportunities

International schools often provide teachers with opportunities for professional development, which can lead to a higher quality of instruction and a better learning experience for students.

10. International travel opportunities

Many international schools offer study abroad programmes or exchange programmes, which can give students the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures first-hand.

11. Emphasis on character development

International schools often place a strong emphasis on character development, helping students to become well-rounded individuals who are compassionate, ethical, and responsible.

12. Safe and secure learning environment

International schools often provide a safe and secure learning environment, with measures in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of students.

13. Flexibility and adaptability

International schools often require students to be flexible and adaptable, as they may need to move frequently or adjust to different cultural norms.

14. Networking opportunities

International schools often have strong alumni networks, which can be valuable for students when they enter the workforce or apply to universities.

15. Preparation for university

International schools often offer programmes that prepare students for university, including courses that are equivalent to Advanced Placement (AP) courses and International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes. This can help students to gain admission to top universities all over the world.


Disadvantages Of Studying In An International School 

Studying in an international school can be a great experience, however, there are some potential disadvantages that should be taken into consideration. Let’s discuss them below.

1. High cost: Taking school admission in an international school is often expensive, with tuition fees that may be beyond the reach of some families.

2. Cultural shock: Moving from public school to an international school and adjusting to a new culture can be difficult, especially for younger students who may experience culture shock.

3. Language barriers: Students who do not speak the language of instruction may struggle to keep up with their peers and may require additional language support.

4. Lack of diversity: While international schools aim to be diverse, they may still be dominated by students from certain countries or cultural backgrounds, which can limit exposure to other cultures.

5. Difficulty in adapting: Students may find it difficult to adapt to a new education system, especially if it is significantly different from what they are used to.

6. Lack of community ties: Students may feel disconnected from the local community and miss out on the cultural experiences that come with being part of a local school.

7. Transient nature of the community: The international school community may be transient, with students and families moving in and out of the school on a regular basis, which can make it difficult to establish long-term friendships.

8. Pressure to perform: International schools can be highly competitive, and students may feel a great deal of pressure to excel academically and participate in extracurricular activities.

9. Higher expectations: International schools may have higher academic and behavioural expectations than local schools, which can be challenging for some students.

10. Language dominance: Students from certain countries or language backgrounds may dominate the school culture, making it difficult for other students to feel fully integrated into the community.


The Impact of Studying An International School 

Studying in an international school can have a significant impact on a student's personal and academic development. Exposure to different cultures and languages can broaden a student's perspective and help them develop a greater understanding and appreciation of diversity. Students in international schools often have the opportunity to learn from a diverse range of teachers, which can provide a unique and enriching educational experience. They also have the opportunity to learn different languages, which can be a valuable skill in an increasingly globalised world.

Additionally, studying in an international school can provide students with a competitive edge in their future careers. Graduates of international schools often have a unique set of skills and experiences that can make them stand out to employers. They may be more adaptable and flexible, with strong communication and problem-solving skills. They may also have a better understanding of global business practices and cultural norms, which can be a valuable asset in many industries.

Overall, studying in an international school can provide students with a well-rounded education and equip them with the skills and experiences they need to succeed in a globalised world.



 The decision to choose an international school for your child is one of the most important decisions that you will make as a parent. An international school provides students with a unique learning experience and prepares them for their future in the global economy. With an international school, students are exposed to different cultures and languages, allowing them to become more open-minded and culturally aware. Furthermore, they gain access to world-class education and resources that are not available in local schools. Ultimately, choosing an international school can be beneficial for students in terms of their academic success, social development, and overall growth as individuals.




Is Studying In International School Good?

Studying in an international school can be an excellent opportunity for students to gain a global perspective and develop intercultural competence. International schools typically offer a rigorous academic curriculum, with a focus on preparing students for college and beyond. They also provide exposure to a diverse student body and faculty, which can broaden a student's understanding of different cultures, languages, and perspectives. So yes, studying in an international school can prove to be beneficial for students.

Is International School Better Than Normal School?

It is not accurate to say that international schools are better than normal schools or vice versa, as each type of school has its own unique advantages and disadvantages depending on the individual needs of the student. International schools typically offer a more global and diverse learning environment, with a focus on preparing students for international universities and careers. They may also have more resources and extracurricular activities available. However, international schools are expensive and may not be accessible to all students. Normal schools, on the other hand, may offer a more affordable option and may be more tailored to the local culture and language. Ultimately, the choice between an international school and a normal school should be based on the student's individual needs, goals, and circumstances.

Why Are International Schools Better Than Local Schools?

Although it will not be right to say that international schools are universally better than local schools, nevertheless, international schools do have more benefits than local school

International schools offer students a unique learning environment and a wide range of educational opportunities that are not available in local schools. From a global perspective, international schools provide an opportunity to learn about different cultures and develop intercultural understanding. Furthermore, they also provide access to high-quality education, which is often tailored to the needs of the individual student. In addition, international schools often have access to more resources than local schools, enabling them to offer a wide range of activities and facilities that can help students reach their full potential.

Why Do People Prefer International Education?

There are several reasons why people may prefer international education. First, international education can provide a global perspective that can broaden one's understanding of the world and expose them to new cultures and ways of thinking. This can be valuable for students who are interested in pursuing careers that involve working in a global context.

Second, some people believe that international schools offer a higher quality of education than local schools. International schools often have rigorous academic curriculums and access to advanced technology and resources.

Third, international schools often offer language immersion programmes that can help students develop fluency in a second language, which can be a valuable skill in an increasingly globalised world.

Lastly, international education can provide networking opportunities that can be beneficial for students in the future. By attending an international school, students may have the opportunity to meet and connect with people from all over the world, which can be advantageous in many different careers.

What are the qualities of international school?

Qualities of international schools are

1. Multicultural Environment: International schools often have a diverse student body and faculty from many different countries and cultures. This can provide a multicultural environment that exposes students to different perspectives and ways of thinking.

2. Global Curriculum: International schools often offer a globally focused curriculum that prepares students for universities and careers around the world. This can include courses in international languages, history, and current events.

3. High Academic Standards: International schools often have high academic standards and may offer advanced placement or International Baccalaureate programmes. The curriculum is often challenging, with an emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

4. Extracurricular Activities: International schools often provide opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, drama, and community service. This can help students develop a range of skills and experiences.

5. State-of-the-Art Facilities: International schools often have state-of-the-art facilities and technology that can enhance the learning experience. This can include science labs, computer labs, libraries, and performance spaces.


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